MATLAB File Help: dml.one_against_one View code for dml.one_against_one Default Topics
  one_against_one one-against-one binary classification. 
    This class evaluates a binary classifier on all possible pairs of class
    X = rand(15,20); Y = [1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3]';
    m = dml.one_against_one('mva',dml.svm);
    m = m.train(X,Y);
    Z = m.test(X);
    Marcel van Gerven (
Class Details
Superclasses dml.method
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
one_against_one one-against-one binary classification.  
Property Summary
balance the data such that both classes are evenly represented during 
combfun 'majority' takes majority vote; 'borda' count sums outputs 
indims dimensions of the input data (excluding the trial dim and time dim in time series data) 
mva used multivariate analysis 
nclasses number of classes 
restart when false, starts at the previously learned parameters; needed for online learning and grid search 
verbose whether or not to generate diagnostic output 
Method Summary
  model returns the following parameters: 